Ogo's Fartastic-Adventure

We all know ''Ogo'', right? The slender, stalking robot who lives as a neighbor to Robot and Monster. Well, there's a 

''dark secret ''

behind him. His parents were satanists, they loved satanism and Satan himself. His dad taught him how to stalk people when he was only 7 years old, and it stuck to him. One day, Ogo made a mistake, and his parents beat him up brutally, hitting him with a vace. They made sure Ogo was cursed by Satan, making him stop go to religion, and even stopped him from preying to God. Ogo soon became a satanist himself, but he kept it a secret from Robot and Monster.
He remembered what his parents told him, ''to kill all who wrecken your path, thy shall suffer'', and grabbed an ax. He opened his door, and saw Mr. Wheelie, as usual docking everyone's pay. Ogo raised the ax, and with swift and good aiming, sliced into Mr. Wheelie's head. Gart was disturbed, closing his door iimedilaty. Ogo bursted down the door, raised his ax once again, and sliced down onto Gart. Oil sprayed everywhere, including Mr. Wheelie's. He dragged Mr. Wheelie and Gart's corspe to his house, using them as sex-toys, cumming into their mouth.
Robot knocked on the door, ''knock! knock!'', said Robot. Ogo answered the door, covered in blood-oil, gripping an ax. "Is tha-" said Robot, realizing the blood on him, but before he could continue his sentence, Ogo slashed Robot with blood oil spraying all over him. Ogo was delighted with the massacre, licking the fresh oil-blood off his face, it tasted good. Ogo sighed, he had forgotten about Monster. He walked out of his apartment, realizing Monster was in front of him. 
"Ogo, I wanted to see if-" said Monster, "Wait a second! Is that blood? You 


Ogo slashed and slashed at Monster, blood dripping off the bloody-ax. Ogo sighed in relief, "Now he won't tell on me *giggle*, its my secret afterall", he said as he walked back into his apartment. A 'thought' popped into Ogo's head, 'JD, you forgot JD!', he didn't care to ask the voice, he had a job to do. He walked outside, gripping the ax once again, there he ran into JD.
"Ew! It's Ogo, what do you want?" asked JD, then Ogo whispered something into JD's ear. "Wha- You want to kill me?!" she yelled, as Ogo slashed into JD with a sledgehammer. "I always wanted to try squid," said Ogo. He brought some salt and pepper, JD was good, ''better'' than bacon ever could. Ogo wanted to fulfil his day, make it 'special' as possible. Next, he wanted to rape Spitfire.
We cut to JD and Spitfire's house, where Ogo is raping Spitfire. Cum and feces were splattered all over the wall, as Ogo's trollface was starting to annoy Spitfire, who was raping Spitfire rapidly. "This rape is getting tiring," said Spitfire, "Go rape someone else! You filthy piece of feces!" Ogo grabbed a chainsaw, he began to cut into Spitfire's vagina. When I said ''chainsaw'', I actually meant ''penis''. After sticking his penis into her vagina, *sigh* I got that right, he dismemebred her. Then Shrek cameby, "Laddie, i was suppose to rape JD and Spitfire", said Shrek. 
"noe, you'lle gat shraked" sad shrok, as he grabbed Ogo. "you faking pizza of shiz" said ogoo, as he killed shrok. 
''And the fan fiction went back to normal without Shrek, after Ogo used a time-bomb to erase shrok''
Ogo later found out, that Satan was the voice. And Shrek and Robot got married, and lived happly ever after.